This site provides a means of communication among neighbors. We fill a gap between matters that are best handled by 911 at one end and social media sites at the other end of the spectrum. For example, social media sites are better suited for much larger and disbursed communities and may include recipe sharing, gossip, and offers of yard maintenance and window washing.
This alert service is the equivalent of the "phone tree" of the past. But this modernized approach is much easier to setup and manage. No "apps" need to be installed. Very little manual intervention is needed.
It primarily works from your smart phone - you send a simple SMS ("text message") to a special phone number for your neighborhood and your message will be broadcast to all of your neighbors.
You just saw a bear in your back yard and want everyone in the neighborhood to know about it. You send a text message to a special phone number and everyone in the neighborhood receives it, even the new people down the block.
You are having a piano delivered to your place on the seventh floor and want everyone in your building to know that chaos will ensue tomorrow morning. You send a text to a special "neighborhood" phone number that relays your message to everyone in your building. You don't need to know everyone's phone number or email address.
You just called 911 and now want to let others in the neighborhood know about the situation.